Monday, March 8, 2010

You've got a lump

The ultrasound was a non event. The technician used something that looked like a computer mouse to move over the breast. She continually took pictures. I knew because she would click a button and the machine would beep. 10 minutes of beep – beep – beep – beep – beep – beep – beep…

The Radiologist came in and repeated the process. Beep – beep – beep – beep – beep…. Once he was done, he said, “I want a biopsy of this before Sunday”. It was Wednesday. The next day I was back for my biopsy.

They did a core biopsy. This is when they insert a needle into the offending lump and extract a tissue sample. It is a bit different from a needle biopsy because the needle is a bit bigger than the standard needle. The good news is they freeze you first, so all you feel is pressure.

I quietly reclined on the examining table, while the Radiologist did the procedure – he took two samples. When he was done, he said, “Well you took that well”. With my usual humour I replied, “oh – if you would like you can do it again and I can get hysterical for you”. He smiled and responded, “I mean you seem very strong and I thing you like things straight” then continued with, “You’ve got a lump, it’s got to come out, don’t delay and expect the worst”.

What do you say to that? Looking back, I am grateful for his honest blunt approach as it mentally prepared me for what was next.


Lisa Tugnette said...

Great message Kim! It is surprising how many women do not do self breast exams -- and you hit the hammer on the nail, that it is "OK" to touch yourself....that is how I discovered my breast cancer.

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