Sunday, April 18, 2010

Too much exercise!

I went trotting off to the gym this morning. I was very enthusiastic. I have decided that since I am going in the Seek the Peek relay again I need to push myself a little harder each time or I will never get conditioned.

I did the treadmill to start - like I always do.

I then increased the speed a little. That was ok.

Then I thought, "you know this race is up hill, I probably should increase the incline". First 3% - hmmm that feels ok.

Up to 5% - ok that is a bit harder, but my heart is not going to jump out of my chest.

Let's cranker up to 8% - oooooooooh - cramp in butt - cramp in butt. Get the incline down to 0% - fast!

I finished on the treadmill (thank goodness I did not shoot off of the end of it) and started my weights. A little more tired than I normally would be at this point I decided that I was finished with the 'pushing it' today.

Got home and the day was glorious, so I decided to get the garden prepped for the summer. I turned soil, planted bulbs, sowed seeds, mowed the lawn, swept the walk and pulled some weeds. I feel great(ish) - Is that a word?

The day is young I think I will haul all of my summer clothes out and put away the winter clothes. It is only two Rubbermaid bins but they are heavy and I have to lug them up from the studio (which is about 6 stairs to many).

I am all done, whew! Poured a glass of wine and frankly the only thing that does not hurt is my hair. I am going to take a sip of wine and go lay on the floor now - ok?

Need a massage.


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