Wednesday, March 3, 2010

New Normal

March 3, 2010
Day two of blogamania. I keep thinking to myself – how am I going to think of things to say – but them I realize that this is not the point. Isn’t a blog just random thoughts. The key is to keep these random thought interesting.

We had a WCBCF Board meeting Monday. There are so many details to take care of. We got to see the preliminary ‘Program at-a-glance’. WOW. I am really impressed at the calibre of the women I am working with. So much experience and talent. All of the Board members either are survivors or have been touched by Breast Cancer.

Toward the end of my Chemotherapy as I walked around bald thinking that my cancer was now what defined me I thought I had lost all of what I was. It has been a rough road to get to my new normal. Working with this Board just affirms that we are far more that the disease that changed our lives.


Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more :)

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