Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Tomorrow is 'Culture Day' at my daughter's school. This is an opportunity for the school to gather and to share each of our cultural heritages with each other. We have been asked to wear our tradition dress and to bring a food dish from our country of origin.

This poses a very interesting dilemma for us because frankly - where do you begin. We are Canadian, so my daughter, with her parents collective lineage, is a little of everything (including First Nations).

We decided to look at which nation represen
ts the highest percentage of our blood lines. Although not certain we agreed it is probably British (which given the family is from the North of England they are likely descended from Vikings).

So now here is the challenge: do we dress up as Cockney flower girls, British Bankers in bowlers, Yorkshire sheep farmers or Royalty?

Food is easy, because my Yorkshire Grandma made dinner every Sunday when I was child: well done roast beef, over cooked vegetables, sitting in a pool of greasy gravy, with Yorkshire puddings.

Hmmmmm - maybe we should stay home?


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