Saturday, December 18, 2010

Bouncing along the surface

This month has been one filled with family, friends and festivities. It seems that every night we are out and about or our home is filled with guests. Lots of laughter and good hearted spirit. Today, I thought I would take a few moments to reflect and recharge before galloping off to get a tree and then on to yet another event.

In my reflection I think about the importance of engaging with our kids - our friends - our families - our coworkers and our acquaintances. We get so busy it is easy to bounce along the surface of life without actually experiencing anything. This seems to be the order of the moment at the holiday events where small talk and joviality rules.

I have been making an effort to really talk to people this year. I inquire, thoughtfully listen and have been surprised at what I have learned about people whom I have known for years (and clearly not really known). It has enriched the holidays for me.

I have always known that taking that time is so important, especially with my kids. I recognize that my relationship with my youngest daughter is richer because of the investment. What I had not seen was how significant the return would be from reaching out to others.

People never stop amazing me - or their ability to help me be better just from knowing them.


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